
“I would highly recommend it. It was one of the best decisions we have made, as a new school starting up.”

Neil Dipple, Headteacher

“Excellent – First class!” “Talk openly to the team about the use of the space and the experiences you want to create, they actively listen and certainly worked with us to create the best.”

Helen Farnell, Executive Headteacher

“Outstanding is the only word to use. We could not have asked for a better service at any stage. From our experiences from the initial proposal to date, we have had exceptional service from all of the staff.”

Lee Fazackerley, Headteacher

“It was the first time I really saw this child, being at peace, at being him. Completely regulated, aware and inquisitive of his surroundings, engaging in this precise moment. He was living in the moment, immersing himself into this reality, unlocking his personal pathway and making it here.”

Shazia Sarwar-Azim – Executive Headteacher

“Immersive Reality let us discover the planet Mars, be on a speed boat in Norway and we eventually found Nemo under the water! And all that without moving from the building! Such advanced technology gives so many opportunities. Special needs education will benefit greatly.”

Paula Wojciechowska, MK:U Innovation Hub Coordinator, Milton Keynes

“This is a game changer in shared, collaborative immersive experiences for special needs education and a variety of other applications.”

Leon Gordon, Forbes Tech Council / Microsoft MVP, Milton Keynes

“I have to say it’s fascinating and think my kids would love it.”

Jade, The Autism Page

“These immersive technologies have the potential to make a significant impact in the world, especially in terms of helping those with SEN to feel more included in their education and personal development.”

Stephen McHugh, Stephen’s Evolution Blog

“Pupils can grasp information much more easily when they are able to visualise concepts that were previously only available through a book. Content can be used alongside literature to encourage the discussion of ideas, and create an intriguing atmosphere when pupils are reading.”

Joe White, Assistant Headteacher

“Removing the need for headsets makes virtual reality more accessible for schools – particularly those teaching kids with special needs.

Not only does this interactive projection system lend itself better to group activities in VR, it also removes the need to put kids in what can be a constraining and uncomfortable headset – particularly for those with heightened sensitivity or who may need the comfort of being able to see their carer during this new and unfamiliar experience.”

David W. Sime, Practical Virtual and Augmented Reality Specialist, Writer and Speaker

To experience the power and impact of an immersive space contact us or email info@immersiverealityusa.com